Automate your business process and see the business growth. Offer your customers a Convenient online shopping experience.
The system can display contextual and targeted promotions advertisements and offers that catch the eye balls of the merchant and the consumer.
Know what products are nearing re-order levels. Supply what is needed when. Streamline their supply chain to minimize stock outs and maximize supply chain logistics efficiency. Make all operations paperless and account management simple and transparent. Get payments online as supplies happen.
Receive their payments from their customers in time and securely for the service you rendered
Gain access to the world of products to meet their customer needs while minimizing inventory carrying cost and free up working capital. Make IT solutions work for them without the attendant cost and complexities. Get need based assistance from banking ecosystem partner at competitive terms. Provide micro banking services and increase foot falls and sales and have new revenue streams and micro banking and value added services.
"SMART KIRANA" an omni channel application on smart phone or a computer to shop from their neighbourhood stores as and when they want. No queues, hassles and travel cost, saves time and available home delivery options. Friendly reminders and automatic reorders.
The system can display contextual and targeted promotions advertisements and offers that catch the eye balls of the merchant and the consumer.
Know what products are nearing re-order levels. Supply what is needed when. steamline their supply chain to minimise stock outs and maximise supplu chain logistics efficiency. Make all operations paperless and account management simple and transparent. Get payments online as supplies happen.
Receive their payments from their customers in time and securely for the service you rendered
Gain access to the world of products to meet their costomer needs while minimizing inventory carrying cost and free up working capital. Make IT solutions work for them without the attendant cost and complexities. Get need based assitance from banking ecosystem partner at competitive terms. Provide micro banking services and increase foot falls and sales and have new revenue streams and micro banking and value added services.
"SMART KIRANA" an omni channel application on smart phone or a computerto shop from their neightbourhood stores as and when they want. No ques, hassels and travel cost, saves time and available home delivery options. Friendly reminders and automatic reorders.